Saturday, February 25, 2012

Problem creating a Foreign key Constraint

Hello, I'm having some problems trying to create this foreign key constraint:

ALTER TABLE dbo.t2_demaclie
ADD CONSTRAINT FK03_T2_DEMACLIE FOREIGN KEY (dclPerfilCompania, dclOrdenPedido)
REFERENCES DBO.T2_PEDIDOCLIENTE (cdPerfilCompania, nmOrdenPedido)

Server: Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with TABLE FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK03_T2_DEMACLIE'. The conflict occurred in database 'Comfruta_dllo', table 't2_pedidoCliente'.

I'm sure there's no other constraint with the same name, and there's no othe one with the same columns...

Thanks a lot !!

Sounds like you have rows in t2_demaclie which don't match rows in t2_pedidocliente.

Check this first and see how you go. Something like this should do the trick (should give you zero rows):

select *
from t2_demaclie d
where not exists (select * from t2_pedidocliente p where p.cdPerfilCompania = d.dclPerfilCompania and p.nmOrdenPedido = d.dclOrdenPedido)

Rob|||Very useful ... Thank you so much !|||:) No problem.

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