Friday, March 30, 2012

problem in Installing SQl Server Management studio express _ (ctp)

I'm very new to MS SQl Server, i Downloaded MS SQl Server express edition, the problem is i can't deal with it, when i downloaded (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express - Community Technical Preview (CTP) November 2005) every time i try to install it , it give me error message says "The system administrator has set policies To Prevent this installation"
How can i over come this problem and install this interface to be able to deal with sql server?
is there any other software can do this job "making interface for the sql server express edition"?
ThxI downloaded the Nov CTP as well of the Management studio, but can't go beyond this error.

This installation package cannot be installed by the windows installer service. You must install a windows service pack that contains a newer version of the windows installer service.

I have Windows 2000 SP4 and also the Windows Installer 3.0, MSXML 6.0 Still Sad

Thanks in advance for any help.
Kalyan.|||Go to the following link an install the latest update to Windows Installer:

I have the windows installer 3.1 but yet i can't install (TCP) managment studio keep getting the same error "administrator has set policies to prevent this installation"
additional hint : - i use windows xp_sp2 - when i used to counter this problem i downloaded MS Visual Web developer express 2005 and i was able to connect to sql server, but really i'm new to sql and i need to see interface to be able to learn it at least|||Sorry for the messege, i downloaded the SQl Server Management Studio Express Again and when i tried to install it , it worked seems it was a problem in the first time i downloaded it something was wrong in it
anyway thx guys

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