Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Problem Creating Publisher

Hello there
I have server who is declered as publisher and distributore already, and i
have already active publisher
Now i'm trying to create new publish for another database.
I get error 14294: Supply either @.job_id or @.job_name ti identify job
Where can be the problem?
Hi Oded,
from the looks of previous posts on the problem this usually occurs if there
are improperly dropped old publications on the server, or possibly restored
databases that had been published.
One option to try is to drop all publications (you can script the existing
ones so you can recreate them with the script if you like - do that by right
clicking the publication name in Enterprise manager then choosing the Script
command) - completely remove publishing and distributing from the server
using the wizard, then put it all back again.

Mary Bray [SQL Server MVP]
Please reply only to newsgroups
"Oded Kovach" <> wrote in message
> Hello there
> I have server who is declered as publisher and distributore already, and i
> have already active publisher
> Now i'm trying to create new publish for another database.
> I get error 14294: Supply either @.job_id or @.job_name ti identify job
> Where can be the problem?

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