Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Problem creating SQL Server Mobile Subscription

Hi there

When I try and create a subscription in SQL Server Mobile to a published SQL Server 2005 database, I get the following problem error during the data synchronization process:

Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.

HRESULT 0x80004005 (29061)

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.



If you are using integrated authentication, make sure that the IIS user is able to connect to the publisher server.|||


Thanks for the reply. I have to confess I am not too clear on what you mean by this...still learning...

I used the computername/iuser_computername account to create the publisher. This user has access to the snapshot folder and the virtual directory for the web server. (by the way, all of this is running on the same machine - VS2005, SQL Server 2005, IIS 5.1, and SQL Server Mobile 2005)

As far as I can see, computername/iuser_computername has been used consistently during the creation of the publication (it appears on the Publication Access List for example). I use my own log in on the PC which has admin rights as the Snapshot Agent login for creation of the snapshots.

Where am I going wrong?


|||Can you verify if the IUSR_xxx has access to the database by connecting to the server and using the database from an osql command?|||

I am getting the same error as this. When I go to the SQLCESA30.LOG file in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition\Server\SqlMobileReplication" directory, the two entries that I get in the log are as follows:

2006/01/07 16:59:36 Hr=00000000 SQLCESA30.DLL loaded 0
2006/01/07 16:59:58 Hr=80004005 ERR:OpenDB failed getting pub version 28627

I'll start a new thread.

|||I've started a new thread at for "Hr=80004005 ERR:OpenDB failed getting pub version 28627"|||


Chris, who started the other thread (with the note above) has had very similar issue. He troubleshooted the problem and has been kind enough to post the analysis and the resolution in his thread. Please go through that thread and see if it helps your problem. From what I see the error messages are very much related.



I have been Getting the Same Error unable to connect to Sql server or IIS configured properly

Any one who any help me in this regard.

How we would make sure that --> If you are using integrated authentication, make sure that the IIS user is able to connect to the publisher server.

Rg Ad

|||I try use IIS 7, but its difficult than I though. When create publication under IIS 6 I just only add IUSR into login, then create publication and put IUSR into PAL, then subscription just work fine. But when use IIS 7 I follow the steps for IIS 6 then when try synchronize data it said that the IUSR is not valid SQL Server user, is the IIS 7 have another guest account so I can put it into login?


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