Friday, March 23, 2012

Problem in concatinating two paramters to update one column

Using gridview to display the data and sql server 2000

I havea column in the database say departtime of datetime datatype thatcntains the date and time resp(09/19/2007 9:00 PM). I am separating thedate and time parts to display in two different textboxes saytxt1(09/19/2007) contaons date and txt2(9:00 PM) contains time by usingthe convert in sqldatasource. Now i need to update the column in thedatabase and i am using Updatecommand with parameters in aspx lkeupdatecommand = "Update table set departtime = @.departtime" . How cani update my column as datetime by getting the data from 2 texboxes asnow i have 2 textboxes displaying data for single column means if useredit the data in txt1 as(10/19/2007) then on click of update i need topopulate the column daparttime as (10/19/2007 9:00 PM).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Hello Nick,

What you need is the DateTime.Parse method. See:

This will create a datetime field of your two text fields.

Jeroen Molenaar.


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