Monday, March 26, 2012

problem in connecting to MSDE database from the same domain

I have installed MSDE 2000 in "Mixed Windows and SQL mode authentication with network access" .following is the command:


Then I created the database TempDB in it.

When I try to connect this database from my program running on my machine , it works fine. But when i try to connect to it from the same program running on a different machine on the same domain.It gives error:

"SQL Server does not exist or access denied ."

Even when i run the same program in my machine to access the same TempDB database on a remote machine that is not in my domain, it works fine.

this is my connection string:
Data Source={Database server's IP Address}\TempInstance;Initial Catalog=TempDB;User ID=sa;PWD=password;

Please help.

KT.What's the operating system for the client from which you are unsuccessfully attempting to connect? What version of MDAC is running on it?

Also, be aware that a named instance install of MSDE will set up to run on a non-default port (ie, not 1433). You can verify your connectivity by determining what port the SQL listener is running on and then using telnet {ip address} {port} from your client machine. You may need to account for the alternate port on your client machine. You can set up an alias for it by running cliconfg at a command prompt on your client machine.


hmscott|||Thanks hmscott!

Actually my problem was caused by windows firewall.


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