Hi,..Please help me..
We have two server on pulbilc ip A , B in other country, and there replication will working fine. But i want to replicate data from one online server(A) to my local office(in my country) server(C). means from public ip to private(A->C). then some one told me that you have to put both server on public for replication. after the i put my local server(c) on public ip. but now i am facing the problem that i am able to connect C to A(means my office server to other country server) but not able to connect A to C(means other country server to my office server). when i am connecting from A to C then error shows is "defaut sqlserver server does not allow remote connection". I have change all the sql settings..and also done required changes in firewall but not successed. my operating system 2003 and database sql2005........ please help me................ASAP
thanks and regards
Vipin yadav
Can you check the following on machine C (aka: your office server),
Open "SQL Server Configuration Manager",
- expand the "SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration" node
- select "Protocols for MSSQLSERVER"
- enable "TCP/IP" if it's not already enabled and restart MSSQLSERVER service
See if that would solve your problem.
|||He might want to have a look onhttp://www.sqlserver2005.de/Screencast/Screencast.aspx?ScreencastId=1
HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer.
|||I have already done this.. still not connecting|||Check http://blogs.msdn.com/sql_protocols/archive/2005/12/22/506607.aspx for troubleshooting connectivity issues with SQL Server 2005. Also, run SQL Server Surface Area Configuration. Click Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections and check the Remote Connections option. Make sure you have Local and remote connections option selected
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