Monday, March 26, 2012

problem in connecting to sql server

Hi to all,
I am newbie to this dbms thing and have never tried this before. I somehow managed to get a cd of MS sql server 7.0 and installed it. Now when i go to Query Analyzer, it demands me password and username. also there is option for Connection Information which i dont know what to select either Windows NT Authentication or Sql server authentication . What is the default password and username as i have not set any password yet for it.

Please bear the pain to explain it to me so that I can at least start doing practical of queries.
Waiting eagerly for your helpful replies...
Thanks in advanceDefault user name is sa and there is no default password, I mean blank password.|||tried that also but all in vain...:(

it says " unable to connect to server \\<mycomputername>
Server : Msg 17,Level 16, state 1
Sql server does not exist or access denied

What to select in the SQL server textbox in that dialogue box?
Please help...|||type your machine name which is suppose to be your default server name, check what did you named your SQL server while installation.
Try to find out server name from the SQL Service, which can be get from this location- START-PROGRAM FILES-MICRO SOFT SQL SERVER - SERVICE MANAGER.|||There is no service manager mentioned in the options.:(
Also, someone told me that there is some odbc server is to be created to make it work. Is it true? if yes, how to create that?
My computer name is "Sachdeva0042". I even typed that in server name and use "sa" and "" as username and password. But to no avail...
In spite of my best efforts, things are not working...:(
Thanks for the help... But I need some more support...|||You do not need the "\\" to connect. You just need the hostname alone.|||or

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