i'm installing sql server in my pc as netwrok service.
when i try to connect it, it showing me a error
sql server does not allow remote connections error 26 error locating server/instance (MS Sql server )
how can i resolve this
plz help me out.
it not able to connect the server locally.
when i try to connect it with .\SQLEXPRESS or localhost\SQLEXPRESS it will connect to the DB
But when i use ServerName\SQLEXPRESS it wont connect to DB what the problem plz help me
with Regards
Hi Amjath,
Ensure that you have enable remote connection in Surface Area Configuration for Service and also check you have enable TCP/IP and Named Pipe too.
Hemantgiri S. Goswami
|||Hi Goswami,this time also i faced the same problem Goswami.
the message contains the Following
Cannot connect to ServerName\SQLEXPRESS
An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server.when connecting to sql server 2005,this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings sql server does not allow remote connections.(provider: sql network interfaces, error: 26 - error locating server/instance specified)(Microsoft sql server)
i enabled the remote connection in Surface Area Configuration for Service and also check the third option enable both TCP/IP and Named Pipe .
but this time also i can enter the db using the .\SQLEXPRESS or localhost\SQLEXPRESS.
wat can i do now, plz help me
with Regards
Hi Amjath,
ensure NET DDE and NET DDE DSDM and SQL Browser Service are started in Control Panel -> Administrative Tools-> Services and firewall rules are also set properly .
Refer sp_setname which will set network name sys.servers .... When did you get this error !? From Application!? Which? Or from SSMS ?
Hemantgiri S. Goswami
|||Hi Goswami,
sorry to ask this what is mean by NET DDE and NET DDE DSDM,
but SQL Browser by defult is in disabled(I have to change that thing to Automatic and then i have to start it manually right).
Right now I'm using sql server studio express only.
With Regards
These are the Services , SQL Broswer service required because it gives connection information to client computers, start them and see if it works.
And what about the other question i asked !!! When did you get this error ?! While runing any application or while connecting SQL Express from another machine on network ?
Hemantgiri S. Goswami
|||Sorry to butt in, but I got the same problem and was looking for a solution as well thus found this thread
I get exactly the same message when I try to connect to the SQL EXpress Database from Visual Basic in Visual Studio Express
Both when running Visual Studio Express from a PC with the SQL server loaded on that PC and on another PC with SQL on a network
I click on 'Tools' in VBE then
'Connect to Database'
I navigate via the connect to SQL Server Database dialog to the MS SQL Database.MDF that I wish to connect to
The dialog stays up for some 25 - 30 secs and times out with the error message provided earlier in the threads
(I have not tried the suggested solution - yet - just answering the specific question of where this is happening)
|||" 26 error locating server/instance ..." means we are not able to locate your server, make sure SQL Browser is running evenif it's local connection. Please refer http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=362498&SiteID=1 to trouble-shoot connectivity issues.
|||Let's try the simple things first...
Ensure that you've fully configured your instance to accept remote connections per the KB article on the topic, here. If that doesn't solve the problem then try some of the more advanced troubleshooting.
|||Hi to ALL,guys that wont get connected.
but when change the property of Alias in sql server configuration manager then its working i dont know wat to do
i changed the protocol to named pipe then its working....
when i changed that to tcp it wont work whats the problem.....
in the surface area configuration i set the option as work for both tcp and named pipe....
i enabled the sql browser also wat goswami said, i did that
plz help me out...from this problem i struggle a lot
with Regards
Hi Amjath,
Have you opened up Exceptions in the firewall as described in the KB article that I provided? If the firewall is not open you will not be able to connect to SQL Express.
How are you trying to connect?
|||Hi MikeNice to hear from u
i switch off the firewall for this purpose only mike.
till now it wont work
Hi Amjath,
Are you saying that once you open an Exception in the firewall you are able to connect?
Be sure you're following the instructions in the KB and opening an Exception, not just turning the firewall off. An Exception will allow specific applications to communicate through the firewall while still offering protection for the rest of your computer.
|||This is a very common question that's exacerbated by the generic OSFA error message that gives irrelevant information as often as not. To address this question, I've written a rather long blog entry that walks through the issues and should help get anyone connected to SQL Server. I've also included a very long chapter in my new book that goes even deeper into the mechanics of getting connected. See http://betav.com/blog/billva/2006/06/getting_and_staying_connected.html and www.hitchhikerguides.net
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